Tuesday, December 14, 2010

im injured.
And im suffering from the pain. ):

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

happy birthday, jilliann! :D

7th DECEMBER 2010! <3
a special day for someone!
guess who?

yup yuppp! it's JILLIAN! <3
wish you all the best and be happy always! alright?
HEHE! dont emo or stress or sad le kieee?
there is no EMO or STRESS or SAD in my dictionary! :P
alright, lawyer? HAHAH!
enjoy ur dayyy!
loveyoulots! <3

lotsoflovefromtiing! <3

Sunday, December 5, 2010

isn't it funny how the people who said ' i'll never hurt you' are the ones who hurt you the worst? =/

Friday, December 3, 2010


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

boy: i wanna be a superhero, guess my name.
girl: superman? ironman?
boy: no, i'm YOURMAN! <3

omgg, i melt after reading this!
omg omgg, this is what you called SWEET/LOVE!
ohh damn,where could we find this kind of man!?
other planet perhaps.

smiling is my favourite, you make me smile and that makes you my favourite <3 (:

damn, i found so many sweet quotes on facebook. sighs
hw i wish he could say it to me.
ohh welll, get over it.
all i knw is smile everyday.
eventhough it's a fake smile and eventhough it hurts inside.
but yeahh, fake a smile is alright.
ATLEAST, u smiled. (:
so yeahhhh, almost 11 pm now and i still sitting here infront of the comp!
HAHA! alright. end post. (: