Sunday, October 31, 2010


my school life! :D

@racquel,nur afiqah, me and nooraini (:

they're awesome!
friends;they become the most important ones in my life. (:
i love them! <3
when im sad, they will be there for me.
wipe all my tears away, hug me to comfort me.

The days we had were crazy, that people think we're high. And when we're bored, we will laugh so hard that even make us cry! All the inside jokes and saying.. "remember when...''
just some of the reasons, we'll always be best friends! :D

thanks for there for me, guysss! i love you all.
and i promise, i will get better soon!
i will give you all back the ting who has the biggest smile everytime when she arrived school and jokes with you guys even the teacher is angry with us :D
so yeahhh, all i need is time.
time will heal, i hope.

taaddaaaa. (:

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