Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Trusting ur partner by letting him/her have some space and freedom in between. Otherwise him/her will feel like being caged and there's not enough oxygen to absorb.
agree? (:
well yeah, i read my friend's post and im so so so freaking agree about it.
so i decided to post here? (:

so yeah,5 more days to go for school reopens.
and this time i dont feel happy at all although i can see my other half.
the reason is results.
tell you what, this term exam i didnt did well.
example like we need to use paragraph 3 and 4 for the summary but i use paragraph 1 and 3.
sighs, what am i doing? missing him too much? NOT.
that time i was thinking yeahh, 3 and 4 but then i AUTOMATICLY use 1 and 3 o.o
urgh, forget it.

so yeah, my mood swings today.
idk why.. i just dont feel like smiling or talking today
maybe i will get happy later?
who knws.
hmm yeah, this is today's post.
till here. taddaa.


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