Wednesday, September 15, 2010


" The salt you guys had ate is more than the rice we eat" (sibehh agree ><)
" worst, been thought by ur family u're flirting each and every single person of ur opposite sex" post by @alice

okae, this happened in MY family. (fml -.-)
so yeah, idk why everytime i hangout with my friends, each of my member of the family will tot that i go and flirt boys?
hey hey, im not THAT KIND of person, alright.
i knw what i am doing.
AND, im ur granddaughter! hw could u dont trust ur own granddaughter and said that i go and flirt my opposite sex?

compare with my brother.
he can go out till midnite!
all u can say is '' come home early''
and me?
when i go out till 7pm,
u will call my handphone and @#@!!$#^%$&^*&^*&%&%$^ !!!!

alright alright, stop here.
i dont wanna spoiled my mood today :S
so yeah, till here. tadaa.


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