Monday, September 13, 2010


things changed. ppl change too right?
ohh well, i just felt useless sometimes.
especially when im with him...i really felt sorry.
i guess im not good enough huh?
i knw, no one is perfect but i just cant stop thinking.
actually i was thinking that leaving him is the best choices?
that's what i think but guys, i love him alright.
he's just like my life now.. i cant live without him.
he's just like my daily routine..i can even sacrifise myself JUSTFORHIM.
alright forget about everything right now.
so yeah, i had my tuition just now although it's hols right now. he went and see me <3
im reallyyy reallyy happyy to see him AGAIN. (ps: cuz long time no see each other le =X )
haha~ yeah but time flies when im with him ):
sighs. why? when we're with our loved ones, time for us is always not enough? agree? (:
so yeah, just a short post for today.
update soon (:

请把你的手交给我~ <3

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