Tuesday, December 14, 2010

im injured.
And im suffering from the pain. ):

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

happy birthday, jilliann! :D

7th DECEMBER 2010! <3
a special day for someone!
guess who?

yup yuppp! it's JILLIAN! <3
wish you all the best and be happy always! alright?
HEHE! dont emo or stress or sad le kieee?
there is no EMO or STRESS or SAD in my dictionary! :P
alright, lawyer? HAHAH!
enjoy ur dayyy!
loveyoulots! <3

lotsoflovefromtiing! <3

Sunday, December 5, 2010

isn't it funny how the people who said ' i'll never hurt you' are the ones who hurt you the worst? =/

Friday, December 3, 2010


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

boy: i wanna be a superhero, guess my name.
girl: superman? ironman?
boy: no, i'm YOURMAN! <3

omgg, i melt after reading this!
omg omgg, this is what you called SWEET/LOVE!
ohh damn,where could we find this kind of man!?
other planet perhaps.

smiling is my favourite, you make me smile and that makes you my favourite <3 (:

damn, i found so many sweet quotes on facebook. sighs
hw i wish he could say it to me.
ohh welll, get over it.
all i knw is smile everyday.
eventhough it's a fake smile and eventhough it hurts inside.
but yeahh, fake a smile is alright.
ATLEAST, u smiled. (:
so yeahhhh, almost 11 pm now and i still sitting here infront of the comp!
HAHA! alright. end post. (:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

30th. a wonderful date ever in my life.
but somehow, it's not now. u knw hw i wish i could greet you?
saying ''iloveyou'' to you?
but apparently, it wont happen.
it've been 1mnth +,baby.
still, i cant forget about you.
yes ,i DID try but i fail...
because u didnt teach me hw to let go a person i loved like you. you knw hw hurt it is watching ur name on my online list but i cant chat with you?
i admit. i cry for this day.
not only today, yesterday, the day after yesterday, or maybe tomorrow....
let me forget about you.
god, help pls? =/

Friday, November 26, 2010

i miss you ):

Friday, November 19, 2010

best trip ever!

YESTERDAY, our class (year 9a/s) had a trip to bandar
seriously, this is the BEST BEST BEST trip ever in my life!
im not kidding!
and ofcourse we had ALOT fun there :D
so yeah, let the pics tell u the story :3

First, we went to the ''Sunlit Advertising "

their slogon, " your vision, our mission"

Which is then followed by the '' Brunei Times "

title: '' Fixing A Broken Heart"
it's a nice passage thou.

Around 12pm, we had our lunch at ''Pines Restaurant"
the foods there are awesome!
ohhh maiii, i wanna go there again! :D

aww, cute right? :D
well, it's sushi inside :3

After we had our lunch, we went to the ''QAF motors"
which is the BMW ( the first top in the world ) if im not mistaken :P

AND! i love this car beloww!
it's AWESOME! :D

*their store room

we went to the ''STUDIOSCENE SDN BHD!"
this is OUR fav. place!
ohh maiiii, they even performed the ''flash mob'' for us!
i miss it, man!
i love you guys! you all are AWESOME! <3

i wanna end this post with the pic of me.
" Life is just like a camera, so keep smiling always for you best photo."

Saturday, November 13, 2010

For you its separation, for me its waiting.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

i know i've been smiling, but inside i'm dying.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Girls wonder why some guys dont talk to them anymore after a relationship. Truth is, they dont do it because they're afraid to like them again."

not guys. even girls, they dont talk to them because she really scare that she will fall in love with the guy again.
it's hard to forget the one u loved because u had used to the life u had with him/her.
call him/her on phone had became one of ur habit. To chg the habit is very hard.
Friendship last long but relationship last even longer if u and him/her try even harder.
sighs. its hard to ignore him/her after break up.
break up, making two lovely couple to be far apart.
somehow, they loved each other BEFORE.
now, they're friends.
but do you knw hw much i miss you?
i always wait u on the phone, wishing u that u will msg/mc me.
but you didnt.
my life sucks without you.

somehow, i need to let go.
to MOVE ON without you.
without you by my side to tell me which way is correct or wrong to go.
u teach me hw to love but u didnt teach me hw to move one.
my life sucks.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A girl named tiing
which is given by her parents. LOL! wth :D

soyeahh, heyyy there! :D
mmhmmm, that's me.
the new ''tiing''
so, exam is going on now.
i will be having BMp2 and Dmaths p2 tmr.
and yeahh, wish me luckkkk!
pray to god! pray that teacher wont give us hard ques! ):
ohhh! and i hate peribahasa! SUCKS! ):
And, i miss THEM! ):
theng,shiaa,salt,nut,jillian and others! ):
i miss 'em ALOT!
i miss the time when they jokes with me, make me laugh and etc!
i just miss them ):
heyy, let's hangout after exams yes? :D
alright, short post anyway.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


my school life! :D

@racquel,nur afiqah, me and nooraini (:

they're awesome!
friends;they become the most important ones in my life. (:
i love them! <3
when im sad, they will be there for me.
wipe all my tears away, hug me to comfort me.

The days we had were crazy, that people think we're high. And when we're bored, we will laugh so hard that even make us cry! All the inside jokes and saying.. "remember when...''
just some of the reasons, we'll always be best friends! :D

thanks for there for me, guysss! i love you all.
and i promise, i will get better soon!
i will give you all back the ting who has the biggest smile everytime when she arrived school and jokes with you guys even the teacher is angry with us :D
so yeahhh, all i need is time.
time will heal, i hope.

taaddaaaa. (:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

看着你心爱的人伤心, 你却帮不上忙. =/
这种感觉比任何东西还要痛,你知道吗? ):
让我证明我在你的心还是有地位的 ):

Friday, October 8, 2010


You are the direction i follow <3

omg, i love this topic! HAHA! thanks to shia~ HEHE (:
okae..so yeah, many things happened this month ?
nah, i wont list them all out.
so yeah, being stress these few days?
been drinking too. dont worry, just half of the bottle LOL!
oh well, it will be better by then.
heyhey, drinking really will get one person to forget those painful memories =x
forget about it.
back to the topic.
yeah, thanks to younan who took that pic! really really LOVE it and appreciate much! (:
thanks, nan! :D

and yes, i miss him! HEHE! *offside
alright alright. short post anyway.
taattaa~ <3 (:


Monday, September 27, 2010


我只知道我只想你快乐. <3

by 凌加峻.

so yeah, SPE and GCE 'O' LEVEL are coming .
SPE will be held on 11 oct while GCE will be on 12 oct.
if im not mistaken (:
and yeahh, good luck to all of the ccms students who's going to take SPE/GCE this year !
加油! <3
hmm till here then.
ohh, currentlyy busy withh everything :O
so, im gonna be inactive for a while? o.o
not sure.
tadda. (:

请把你的手交给我~ <3

Thursday, September 23, 2010


so yeah, school reopens.
got back our testpaper.
hate my results =x
so yeah, i got 7 credits, 2 fails and 1 pass.
ohh, yesterday my school's celebrating mooncake festival.
i knw it's late but yeah, we had alot of fun!
yeah, but most of the time we all had been bitten by mosquito -.-
hw great is that x.x
blahhhh~ have tuition later and going meet him! ;;
EISEH! HAHA! *hyper :D
yeah, till here. short post for today *lazy =x

请把你的手交给我~ <3

Thursday, September 16, 2010

linear law.


im doing my amaths homework (tuition).
alright,till here.
请把你的手交给我~ <3

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


" The salt you guys had ate is more than the rice we eat" (sibehh agree ><)
" worst, been thought by ur family u're flirting each and every single person of ur opposite sex" post by @alice

okae, this happened in MY family. (fml -.-)
so yeah, idk why everytime i hangout with my friends, each of my member of the family will tot that i go and flirt boys?
hey hey, im not THAT KIND of person, alright.
i knw what i am doing.
AND, im ur granddaughter! hw could u dont trust ur own granddaughter and said that i go and flirt my opposite sex?

compare with my brother.
he can go out till midnite!
all u can say is '' come home early''
and me?
when i go out till 7pm,
u will call my handphone and @#@!!$#^%$&^*&^*&%&%$^ !!!!

alright alright, stop here.
i dont wanna spoiled my mood today :S
so yeah, till here. tadaa.



Trusting ur partner by letting him/her have some space and freedom in between. Otherwise him/her will feel like being caged and there's not enough oxygen to absorb.
agree? (:
well yeah, i read my friend's post and im so so so freaking agree about it.
so i decided to post here? (:

so yeah,5 more days to go for school reopens.
and this time i dont feel happy at all although i can see my other half.
the reason is results.
tell you what, this term exam i didnt did well.
example like we need to use paragraph 3 and 4 for the summary but i use paragraph 1 and 3.
sighs, what am i doing? missing him too much? NOT.
that time i was thinking yeahh, 3 and 4 but then i AUTOMATICLY use 1 and 3 o.o
urgh, forget it.

so yeah, my mood swings today.
idk why.. i just dont feel like smiling or talking today
maybe i will get happy later?
who knws.
hmm yeah, this is today's post.
till here. taddaa.


Monday, September 13, 2010


things changed. ppl change too right?
ohh well, i just felt useless sometimes.
especially when im with him...i really felt sorry.
i guess im not good enough huh?
i knw, no one is perfect but i just cant stop thinking.
actually i was thinking that leaving him is the best choices?
that's what i think but guys, i love him alright.
he's just like my life now.. i cant live without him.
he's just like my daily routine..i can even sacrifise myself JUSTFORHIM.
alright forget about everything right now.
so yeah, i had my tuition just now although it's hols right now. he went and see me <3
im reallyyy reallyy happyy to see him AGAIN. (ps: cuz long time no see each other le =X )
haha~ yeah but time flies when im with him ):
sighs. why? when we're with our loved ones, time for us is always not enough? agree? (:
so yeah, just a short post for today.
update soon (:

请把你的手交给我~ <3

Thursday, September 9, 2010


i knw u guys have been waiting today right?
cuz all the puasa thinggyy~ haha!
yeahhhh, tell you the truth..
although im chinese but i still have malay cousin :O HAHA!
okae, dont be curious.. her grandfather have pangkat kaliahh! :O
like the head of a village? smth like that.. im not sure HAHA!

so yeahhh, once again selamat hari raya, guysss! (:
have fun alright?
ENJOY!!!! :3


Sunday, September 5, 2010



*that's nana's nerd spec

now @bryan liu's house
withhh lots of HUMAN :O
haha! well, it's raining now..
kinda spoiled the atmosphere! ):
alice is beside me! KEKE!
okiee! till here aites! :3


Saturday, September 4, 2010


now @ doraemon's house celebrating his advance birthday ;D
alice will be overnight-ing @my house :D
okae, this party henn bored! @alice.
well, not reli that "bored" just "bored" o.o
wait, it doesnt makes sense HAHA!
okae, till here, nites dude! (:


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Should I shout "YAYYYY!!!!" for holidays? O.o
/ps: posted by my brotha;nan.
but seriously, should i shout yay for holidays? :S~
maybe, i should.
because we can RELAX! YIPPIE! :3
so, yeah..RECENTLY im addicted to a song!
called.. The Boy Is Mine-glee cast :D!
here's the song :3

theboyismine! <3
HAHA! :3


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


hey there,
yeah, exams start tmr and im scared! TT!
noooo~ ):
ohhh, our exams will be held in the class? :O
and i split to year 8B! TT
sighs. imisshim =/
anyways, gonna be inactive till my exams are over.
till here, just a short post anyway.
bye (:
